
  • What is Alzheimer's Disease?

    June 23, 2015

    Did you know that approximately one out of every 10 individuals over the age of 65 will be affected by Alzheimer’s disease? This video takes a…

  • 5 Things You Need to Know About In-Home Care

    May 22, 2015

    If you’re considering in-home care, you may not yet be aware of all of its many benefits. Keep reading to learn five things you need to know about…

  • Tips to Prevent Fraud

    November 19, 2014

    In some cases "The Good 'Ole Days" are gone. More and more people are becoming victims of con artists and scams. It's important to be vigilant…

  • Reducing a Senior's Risk of Dementia with Exercise

    July 29, 2014

    Did you know that 34% of the population 50 years & over is sedentary? Inactivity increases with age, however studies show those 65 yrs. and older…

  • Walking Safely on Slippery Sidewalks

    February 5, 2014

    Although the wintertime in Northern California doesn't bring any snow, it does bring rain. If you have elderly loved ones who live on their own,…