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Santa Cruz County (831) 480-3990
Santa Clara County (408) 979-9990
Santa Mateo County (650) 353-9777
Contra Costa County (925) 516-4912
Santa Cruz County (831) 480-3990
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Website Policies, Disclaimer & Privacy Policy


Familiar Surroundings Home Care Website Policies, Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Access to all pages on this website is subject to the following policies, terms and conditions. Your access to all pages on this site constitutes your agreement to these policies, terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these policies, terms and conditions, please log off this website immediately.



This website provides general information only. Please contact Familiar Surroundings Home Care (“FS”) for further details about its services.

Except as expressly stated on FS’s website, FS assumes no liability or responsibility for, and makes no express or implied representations, guarantees or warranties about, any information, claims, testimonials, services or links on this website, or any websites or services linked to or accessible from this website. Your use of this website, FS’s services, and any other services listed, linked to or accessible from this website is at your own risk. Any testimonials or endorsements on this website do not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction concerning your use of FS’s services. The results portrayed, described, and or referenced on this website were dependent on the facts of each case, and results may differ if based on different facts.



FS makes reasonable efforts to provide non-medical, personal attendant companionship services according to applicable law. A Personal Attendant Caregiver (“PAC”) working in a client’s private home will be considered a personal attendant under California Wage Order 15 as allowed by law.

If a PAC works in a client’s private home, the PAC providing services to the client must spend at least 80% of her or his time during a shift supervising, feeding and or dressing the client. The PAC will spend less than 20% of her or his time during a shift on work other than supervising, feeding and or dressing the client. Any housekeeping the PAC performs must only relate to areas of the residence that the client uses, and regardless, the PAC must spend less than 20% of his or her working time per shift on housekeeping.

PAC’s are not acting as nurses. They will not perform medical procedures for clients. PAC’s will not regularly take a client’s vital signs (including but not limited to temperature, pulse or respiration rates of or for the client) and will not administer medication to or for a client. PAC’s do not offer medical, nursing or skilled services, and no PAC has any responsibility to diagnose or treat a client’s illnesses, injuries or changes in medical condition. If a PAC is a nurse, a certified nursing assistant (“CNA”) or certified home health aide (“CHHA”) employed as a PAC by FS, the PAC may only provide non-medical companionship care, and may not use his or her nurse, CNA or CHHA title; act as a nurse, CNA or CHHA; or perform nursing, CNA or CHHA duties as a PAC.



FS may use your IP address and other non-personally identifiable information to compile website user statistics and administer its website. FS also may provide non-personally identifiable visitor information to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

If you provide FS with personally identifiable information, such as but not limited to information e-mailed to it or submitted via forms on this website, FS may share this information with third-party persons or entities, including but not limited to entities and persons affiliated with FS; vendors; background check and other similar agencies; banks, credit card or other financial service companies; and attorneys, employees, independent contractors, and clients. Such “personally identifiable information” may include but is not limited to names, addresses, and other contact information, information you provide to FS online or otherwise, employment, educational and other background information and references, and financial data including but
not limited to credit card or other payment information.

If an individual who uses or visits this website wishes to review or request changes to any of his or her personally identifiable information, he or she may contact FS to request a review or change.

Consumers will be notified of any material changes to FS’s privacy policy via an alteration to the policy on this page of its website. This policy is effective as of January 1, 2013.