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Finding Companion Care at Home to Fits a Senior’s Needs

June 2, 2023

Image for Finding Companion Care at Home to Fits a Senior’s Needs

May marks National Mental Health Month, which emphasizes the importance of mental well-being at all ages of life. This can be especially important for aging adults. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, especially for aging adults who may not have the same social engagement and capability that they had in the past. One solution for resolving this issue is to hire companion care at home. These caregivers stop by and visit with aging adults, offering them conversation and assistance with activities that can help with cognitive function. Here are some tips for starting this type of home care with aging adults.

What Does Companion Care at Home Do?

Caregivers who are there to offer companionship support aging adults emotionally. They’re there to engage in conversation, participate in activities, and check in on seniors on a regular basis. The focus with these types of caregivers is primarily on companionship, but they can help family members to understand how their aging adult’s needs are changing.

Identify the Senior’s Needs

It’s helpful for family caregivers to start out by assessing their aging family member’s needs. Do they need help with practical, hands-on tasks like housekeeping and cooking? That’s probably something that home care providers would be better suited to assist with on a regular basis. Seniors who are spending a lot of time alone and who maybe aren’t able to drive any longer but handle most tasks on their own would probably benefit from companion care at home.

Try a Few Different Caregivers

There’s a lot to be said for chemistry and how well personalities mesh. Most caregivers are experienced at helping seniors feel comfortable, but each aging adult might want to have companions with whom they truly feel a connection. Scheduling meetings with a few different caregivers can allow seniors to understand that they have a choice and that their voice matters.

Communicate Needs and Wants

Making it easy for seniors to express their needs is vital. The easier it is to communicate with family caregivers and with home care providers, the more likely it will be that seniors share how they’re feeling and what they need. The right companion caregiver is going to respect preferences and concerns, helping aging adults to feel comfortable and heard.

Let the Aging Adult Control the Pacing

When seniors know that they’re the ones driving certain situations, they’re more likely to feel at ease. Letting aging adults know that they can have control over how often they receive visits and how those visits are going to go can help to alleviate a lot of the concerns that they might have. Flexible arrangements allow aging adults to have the care and support they need, when they need it most.

Finding the right companion care at home for aging adults is critical because it can help aging adults to experience better mental and physical health. Taking the time to make the right choices helps everyone involved to feel more confident that they are fully assessing the options.

If you or your loved one is looking for Companion Care at Home in Saratoga, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990 in 

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990

Tags: Companion Care at Home Companion Care at Home Saratoga CA