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Home Care Safety Tips for Seniors and Summer Parties

June 30, 2023

Image for Home Care Safety Tips for Seniors and Summer Parties

If your senior parent is going to be attending graduation parties, birthday parties, backyard barbecues, and other parties this summer safety should be a concern for them and for you. Seniors have special safety needs to ensure that they don’t fall, get injured, or have a heat related illness at any family parties or events. It’s strongly suggested that seniors have home care for the summer. With home care, seniors will have someone with them who can help prepare for parties or events and make sure that seniors are safe during and after the party. 

Choose The Right Furniture

Seniors are not going to be comfortable or safe on low sitting plastic chairs or outdoor camp chairs. Make sure that you have some comfortable seating that is suitable for seniors. It should be high enough that seniors can sit comfortable and get up easily. It should also be set on stable ground like a deck or a concrete patio. Don’t put your senior parent in a rickety chair that’s set on grass. Outdoor sectional couches are perfect for seniors because the seats can be moved around, they’re stable, and they’re the right height for most seniors. 

Keep it Cool

Even when the temperature doesn’t seem like it’s that warm seniors can get overheated. Make sure that there are some outdoor spaces for seniors to sit that are in the shade. It’s also a good idea to have some outdoor fans going. A covered pergola with a fan is perfect for seniors. You also may want to open up part of the house and keep the air conditioner on high so that seniors who are too warm can go inside to cool off. 

Make Sure The Bathroom is Accessible

Your senior parent is most likely going to need to use the bathroom at some point, and they won’t want to draw attention to themselves by asking for help getting there. If there isn’t a bathroom that  is easily accessible from the outside consider having a porta potty set up so that your guests won’t have to rush through the yard and the house to use the bathroom. If your senior parent has to go up steps or through the grass to get the bathroom, have home care at the party so that there will be someone there to help them. 

Have Extra Sun Supplies

When seniors are having fun at a barbecue or outdoor event they may not think about how much sun exposure they’re getting. It’s a smart idea to have plenty of extra sun supplies on hand in case your senior parent forgets theirs or just needs more. Keep lots of sunscreen with a high SPF stocked. And sun hats or visors. Light shawls or linen button up shirts can provide coverage for a senior parent’s arms, neck, and chest to prevent sunburn. You can even make up gift baskets for the  people at the party with sun supplies in them. 

If you or your loved one is looking for Home Care in Los Gatos, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990 in 

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990

Tags: Home Care Home Care Los Gatos CA Summer Safety Senior Care Senior Safety