The Benefits of Getting Out into the Community and Volunteering with Your Senior

August 23, 2017

Senior Care in Aptos CA: Volunteering with your Senior
Senior Care in Aptos CA: Volunteering with your Senior
There are many ways that you can encourage your elderly parent to live a higher quality of life as they age in place, but one of the most beneficial is getting them out into the community to volunteer. Volunteering can offer your elderly loved one a huge array of benefits, including reducing depression, supporting better mental and emotional health, and increasing their physical activity. While volunteering in the community can offer your senior many benefits, participating in these activities with your senior can increase the benefits for them and offer you benefits as well.Some of the benefits of getting out into the community and volunteering with your senior include:
  • Quality time together. As a family caregiver you spend a considerable amount of time with your senior. It is easy, however, for this time to become all about your care efforts for them rather than spending valuable time together. Volunteering is a way to take a step away from your usual care routine and spend time together that will improve your relationship and allow you to make memories that you can cherish into the future.
  • Reduce caregiver stress. Studies have shown that volunteering reduces stress and eases depression. As a family caregiver it is common to experience these challenges. Being able to reduce these feelings while also pursuing caregiver goals can maximize your time and improve your own health and well-being.
  • Maintain social engagement. Staying socially active is extremely important for your elderly parent, but it is valuable for you as well. Interacting with others stimulates the mind, eases feelings of isolation and loneliness, boosts mental and emotional health, and reduces the feeling of being “alone” that is common for both seniors and caregivers.
  • Create a stronger care network. Another benefit of increased social engagement is the ability to create a stronger care network for your senior and for you. It is very likely when you find volunteer opportunities for your parent that you will meet other seniors and their caregivers. These people can then become members of your care network, offering friendship, support, advice, and even help with care for your parent.
  If you have been looking for ways to enhance your elderly parent’s quality of life, boost their mental and emotional health, and help them maintain the lifestyle that they desire and deserve as they age in place, starting senior care for them might be the ideal option. A senior home care services provider can be there with your elderly loved one on a fully customized schedule to ensure that they get all of the care, support, assistance, and encouragement that they need while also keeping you at the forefront of their care routine. The highly personalized care services designed specifically for your loved one are tailored to helping your parent address their individual needs, challenges, and limitations in the way that is right for them. This care can help your parent to stay healthy, safe, and comfortable while supporting a lifestyle that is as independent, active, and fulfilling as possible as they age in place.

If you or your loved one is looking for senior care in Aptos, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990


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