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The Best Hobbies for Making Sure Your Dad Remains Active Following a Stroke

August 19, 2021

Image for The Best Hobbies for Making Sure Your Dad Remains Active Following a Stroke

After your dad's stroke, he doesn't go out often. Most of the time, he sits behind the TV and watches movies all day. You're worried. 
You want him to remain active, but you're not sure how to do this. Are there hobbies that will keep your dad busy and engaged that you haven't considered? Here are some of the best hobbies as your dad's mobility changes. 
If your dad needs a wheelchair, birdwatching is an excellent hobby. It gets him outside into the fresh air and sunshine. He'll have to strengthen his arms to hold the binoculars needed to spot birds in distant trees. He also has to work on fine motor skills while checking off the birds he's seen during his time outside. 
Raised bed gardens are a good hobby for someone with limited mobility. Place them around a level area, such as along a driveway or surrounding a patio. Your dad can grow his favorite herbs and vegetables without having to bend down to ground-level garden beds. The raised bed garden is waist high, making it easy to reach everything from a wheelchair or seat. 
Jigsaw puzzles require fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination to position and secure the puzzle pieces. It also takes spatial reasoning to visualize how the pieces go together. Start with easier puzzles and work up to the more challenging one if smaller puzzles are too easy. 
Nature Walks 
Talk a walk on a nature trail. Look for trails that are groomed or paved for wheelchair users. Boardwalks along a river, lake, or ocean are perfect for nature walks as they're usually paved or made from decking. 
With photography, your dad has to work on hand-eye coordination as he lines up the camera with the object or scene he wants to photograph. He has to move around to get the perfect photo, especially if it's outside. 
If your dad can walk around, photography can extend out into the woods, up a mountain trail, or anywhere else that requires him to do a little walking to get to the areas where he wants to take photos. 
Don't Forget to Take Care of Yourself 
Have you considered how often you get to take breaks when you're the primary family caregiver? You need to take care of yourself, too. A senior home care specialist can help you arrange the services and schedule that help you out and ensure your dad receives the care he needs. 


If you or your loved one is looking for Senior Care in San Jose, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care. 

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990  

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777 

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990 

Tags: Senior Care San Jose CA Staying Active