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Senior Home Care Can Make Sure Your Mom Doesn’t Miss Medical Appointments

October 17, 2024

If your mom is aging in place but not driving any longer it can be tough to make sure she gets to her medical appointments on time. Often seniors don’t get a lot of choice when it comes to their medical appointments. The time they are assigned an appointment may be in the middle of the work day or in the evening when you need to take care of your kids.

Senior home care can help your mom with transportation for medical appointments and other tasks like shopping and running errands. When your home has senior home care you don’t have to worry about her trying to navigate a ride-share app or depending on a taxi to get where she needs to go. Her senior home care provider can help her by:

Getting Her Ready For Her Appointment

A care provider can make sure that your mom is cleaned up and dressed appropriately for the weather to go to the medical appointment. This can take a lot of time, which you may not be able to do without taking time off from work. Your mom won’t have to rush and be stressed about getting ready to go if a care provider is helping her. 

Getting There In Plenty Of Time

A care provider can get your mom in the car and leave for the appointment with plenty of time before the appointment so that your mom doesn’t have to rush. If your mom has limited mobility just getting across the parking lot and into the building could take extra time. With a care provider to help her your mom can take her time because she will have extra time and support. 

Helping Her Get In The Building

A ride share or a taxi wouldn’t be able to help your mom get into the building and find the office where she needs to go for her appointment. Going into a strange building alone can be physically challenging for your mom, and it can make her anxious too. If she has low vision she may not be able to see clearly where the office is that she needs to go to. 

With a care provider to guide her your mom will be able to navigate steps or other challenges. And a care provider can help your mom find the right office and get settled in plenty of time for her appointment. 

Helping Her Check-In

Filling out medical forms may be confusing for your mom, especially if she can’t see clearly. A care provider can help your mom fill out forms, make sure the medical provider has a copy of her insurance card, and help her schedule her next visit if necessary. 

Making Sure Medical Issues Are Addressed

Sometimes seniors get into a medical appointment and tell the doctor they feel fine because they don’t want to be a bother or because they are embarrassed about symptoms they are having. A care provider can encourage your mom to discuss any medical issues with the doctor so the doctor knows what your mom is experiencing. 

Getting Her Home Safely

After the appointment your mom will probably be quite tired. A care provider can make sure your mom gets home safely, has some water, and has a snack to revive her energy.

If you or your loved one is looking for Senior Home Care in Saratoga, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.
Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990 
San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777
Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990

Tags: Senior Home Care Senior Home Care in Saratoga CA