5 Items Your Parent Should Always Have With Them When Traveling

August 16, 2016

Elder Care in San Jose CA

Traveling with your aging parent can be a fun and exciting experience. In order to make the most of this, however, it is important that you ensure your loved one has what they need to stay safe, Elder-Care-in-San-Jose-CAsecure, and in control. This helps to minimize stress and make sure that the traveling experience is as memorable, fulfilling, and enjoyable as possible.   Some things that you should ensure that your parent has with them when traveling include:
  •  Identification. Everyone who is traveling should carry adequate identification with them. This is especially true, however, for an elderly adult who may be suffering from cognitive limitations or memory loss. Every adult who is traveling will need an ID in order to utilize forms of transportation such as a plane or a train, as well as to claim travel documents, check into a hotel, or do other activities. For a senior, they may also encounter a situation in which they are lost or have wandered and can use their ID to help them find you again.
  • Travel documents. Even if you are keeping the official documents with you for everyone in the travel group, make sure that your parent has a copy of these documents with them. This will ensure if they get separated from you they can still use the information on the documents to get where they need to go, and to reach out to personnel for assistance.
  • Insurance information. You never know what might happen while you are traveling away from home. Your parent might become ill, suffer an injury, or experience increased symptoms of a condition that they have. If this happens, you want to be able to get them the medical care that they need as quickly and easily as possible. Bringing along their insurance information can streamline this process and simplify getting them back to health.
  • Medication prescriptions. If your parent is like many elderly adults, they are taking one or more medications to help them manage their medical conditions. While it is vital that they bring along these medications so that they can remain compliant with them while traveling, it is also important that they have their prescriptions with them. This way if there is any question as to why they have the specific medication, they are able to show the prescription. Having the prescription in hand also ensures that they can get a refill if necessary.
  • Communication device. It is no secret that elderly adults tend to use technology to a smaller degree than younger adults and youths. This means that it is possible that your aging parent does not have a mobile device of their own. While this might not be a problem for them while they are at home, if you are traveling, it is important that you equip them with such a communication device. Even if it is a very simple pay-as-you-go phone, this will ensure that your parent can get in touch with you if you are separated and maintain their own connection to others.
  If you are planning to travel with your aging parent, an elder care provider may be an invaluable source of help. Bringing an elderly home care services provider along with you can ensure that your parent's care routine remains as consistent as possible and that they get the care, support, and assistance that they need while you are able to focus your attention on your children and the other needs of traveling.  

If you or an aging loved one are looking for elder care in San Jose, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care. Call today!

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Tags: Elder Care in San Jose CA