Is Rosacea Affecting Your Ability to Care for Your Parents?

September 22, 2020

Image for Is Rosacea Affecting Your Ability to Care for Your Parents?

Rosacea seems to many like such a non-issue. Yet, when you have the common skin condition, it can seem impossible to deal with. It's estimated that 45 million people have Rosacea. There's no cure. The success of treating it varies from one person to the next.  

So, what is it? It's a skin condition that causes inflamed, itchy, bumpy skin. It can look like acne, but it's not. Most people have to treat it through topical medications to reduce inflammation, an anti-inflammatory diet that avoids triggering foods, and stress reduction. 

There are different types of rosacea, as well, and each requires a different treatment plan. You might just have red skin, or you might have the type that forms bulbous growths over the nose. It can make your eyes feel like there's sand in them if you have ocular rosacea. 

Rosacea isn't contagious. There's no common cause, though some people do believe it may be linked to genetics. It isn't dangerous. But, it can have a detrimental effect on your self-esteem. People with rosacea may find it hard to be around others due to the skin's appearance. 

You have rosacea. The itchy eyes and skin drive you mad all day long. While you want to help your parents, stress is one of your main triggers. Caring for them causes stress, which makes your skin react. It's making it hard to care for your parents. How can you ease the stress, reduce rosacea flare-ups, and avoid leaving your parents alone? 

Talk to Your Siblings 

Your brothers and sisters should be helping out. If you're providing all of your parents' care on your own, it's time for your siblings to help out. If they won't, you should extend your request for help to friends, cousins, aunts, and uncles. 

Involve Your Parents In Your Exercise Routines 

You need exercise to reduce stress. If you can't get enough exercise while helping your parents, get them to join you for an exercise class or activity.  

For example, your favorite form of exercise is walking. Find a level path that they could manage and have them join you. If they don't walk fast enough, you could do laps going ahead of them and looping back. 

Take Time to Do Something Fun  

From time to time, do something you enjoy. Your parents can join you, or you could do it on your own. If you do it alone, avoid leaving your parents alone by arranging caregivers. 

Home Care services are an essential part of low-stress caregiving. If you're feeling stressed when caring for your parents, it's time to talk about respite care. Take a week off to get your diet and stress under control. Talk to a home care specialist and ask about respite care and its rates. 


If you or your loved one is looking for Homecare in Palo Alto, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care. 

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990  

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777 

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990 



Tags: Homecare Palo Alto CA Rosacea Affecting Your Ability to Care