Home Care Secrets for Seniors and Dogs
March 24, 2023

April is National Pet Month and it’s a great time for seniors to learn some tips and tricks from the pros to make dog care easier as they get older. Dogs are fantastic companions, and caring for dogs is great for seniors. As seniors get older they may find some aspects of caring for their dogs harder because of the physical challenges they are facing. Below are some of the things that seniors can do to make dog care easier as they get older.
Get Home Care
Home care can do a lot to make life easier for seniors that are aging in place, including helping them care for their dogs. When seniors have home care they have someone in the home with them who can take the dog for a walk if they’re not feeling up to it, or lift large bags of dog food that are delivered, or wipe off the dog’s muddy paws so that your senior loved one doesn’t have to bend over and stoop if that’s difficult for them. Home care means care for everyone in the home, including the dog.
Use Adaptive Equipment
The biggest concern that many seniors have about caring for their dogs as they get older is the dog tripping them or pulling at the leash and pulling seniors off their feet. And that’s a valid fear. Large dogs, even well-trained ones, can be a lot to handle for seniors who may struggle with balance issues, vertigo, or poor grip strength that makes it tough to hold a leash. But there are leashes and other adaptive equipment that are designed to allow seniors to stay in control of their dog without any risk of the dog pulling them over or getting away from them.
Send Your Dog to Doggie Daycare
Seniors should definitely consider sending their dogs to doggie daycare. Even seniors who walk their dogs every day might find that their dogs need more of an outlet for their energy. They also probably need the stimulation of socializing with other dogs. Doggie daycare gives dogs the chance to run and play and work out some of their energy so that seniors will be able to handle them easily when they go for a walk. Even just a few mornings or afternoons at doggie daycare per week can help dogs and their senior owners.
Get Home Vet Care
Seniors who no longer drive may have a difficult time getting their dogs to the vet. That can cause some seniors to skip routine vet care. But dogs need regular exams and medications like flea and heartworm preventatives. Seniors can look for a mobile vet or house call vet in their area so that they can get their dogs the care the dogs need without having to struggle to arrange transportation to get the dog to the vet. Many vets now offer mobile or at home service so that seniors and others who can’t get to the vet easily can still get their pets care.
If you or your loved one is looking for Home Care in Atherton, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.
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