Seven Reasons Hand Washing is Crucial for Aging Adults

January 3, 2024

Image for Seven Reasons Hand Washing is Crucial for Aging Adults

Hand washing is incredibly simple, but it is a powerful tool that offers tremendous results for seniors who want to maintain good health. Aging adults tend to have more vulnerable immune systems, which means it’s important to embrace anything that protects those immune systems. Proper hand washing is an easy first step and home care assistance can make it easy for seniors to adopt good hand washing habits regularly.

Reducing Infection Risks

Infections are something that seniors need to avoid at all costs. Proper hand washing is a first line of defense against bacteria and viruses that lead directly to infections of all types. Just by washing hands regularly, those germs can be removed before entering the body.

Protecting Against Respiratory Illnesses

Respiratory illnesses, like the cold, flu, and even pneumonia, can be debilitating for aging adults. During times of the year when more people tend to be sick, hand washing can help seniors avoid many of these illnesses. Home care assistance can also help seniors keep high-traffic areas, like doorknobs and light switches, disinfected so that they can reduce their risk of respiratory infections even further.

Preventing GI Illnesses

Gastrointestinal infections are another common problem that hand washing can alleviate. These types of illnesses quickly lead to dehydration and other complications, which can be disastrous for aging adults. Washing hands properly before meals, after using the bathroom, and frequently throughout the day helps to prevent the spread of bacteria that affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Reducing Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria creating illnesses that are impossible to treat is a growing concern for people of all ages. When seniors can avoid having to take antibiotics too often, that helps to reduce antibiotic resistance. That involves practicing good hygiene and reducing exposure to germs that can cause serious illnesses. 

Promoting Overall Hygiene

Good personal hygiene keeps seniors healthy overall. Hand washing is the basis of having good personal hygiene, so seniors must focus on hand washing throughout the day. Keeping seniors from having to fight off germs in the first place improves their well-being. 

Assisting with Chronic Health Management

When seniors are battling chronic health issues, their immune systems and their overall health is already challenged. Germs and infections tax all of that even further. Proper hand washing serves as a preventative measure that helps them to take better care of their overall health.

Enhancing Quality of Life

When seniors are healthier on a regular basis, they have a better general quality of life. Hand washing is a really easy and effective way for seniors to continue to be active and to do the activities they love to do. They avoid preventable illnesses more easily, keeping them more independent and healthier overall.

Hand washing is way more important for seniors than they might realize. Home care assistance can help them to remember to incorporate it into their everyday life more often. They can also help seniors to understand why regular hand washing is so crucial in supporting good health.

If you or your loved one is looking for Home Care Assistance in Santa Cruz, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990 

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990



Tags:Home Care AssistanceHome Care Assistance in Santa Cruz CA