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Help Your Dad Make Decisions Regarding Aging at Home Plans

April 7, 2021

Image for Help Your Dad Make Decisions Regarding Aging at Home Plans

To age at home, your dad needs to be safe and secure. He needs to have the help he needs with basic aspects of daily life like meals, personal care, and home care. He needs to be able to take a shower with or without help, cook and serve meals and snacks, and keep his home clean and free of clutter. 
When his goal is to age at home, you want to make sure your dad's care plan is comprehensive. You don't want to learn that he tried to do something on his own and couldn't handle it. Falls, frustration, and malnutrition are all problems that can occur when a care plan isn't thorough. 
Be Honest About What He Can and Cannot Do 
Your dad needs to be honest about the things he can and cannot do on his own. If he has a hard time going up and down the stairs to his washer and dryer, he needs laundry services. If he can cook meals as long as someone else chops, slices, and dices ingredients for him, make sure he says so. 
If he can shower by himself but needs help drying hard-to-reach places, he may want to have a caregiver help him dry off. Caregivers can apply skin lotion to prevent dryness. They can help him button a shirt if arthritis makes it hard for him to manage. 
Does your dad still drive or has his doctor said it's time for him to stop? He may not like handing over his keys, but it's time. He can have caregivers drive him around to stores, medical offices, and other area attractions and businesses. 
Be Prepared for Changes 
Talk to him about different situations that may or may not arise as he ages at home. He may need caregivers to help with driving after breaking his leg, but once he's recovered, he's going to be driving himself around again. Knowing that he can adjust services as needed may make it easier for him to work with his new caregivers. 
If he falls and hurts himself, is his home suitable for his recovery or would he need extra help? He may be fine getting around his one-level home after breaking his hip, but a multi-level home could be a problem. He'd need someone who could do things on other levels of the home while he's confined to one level. 
Now that you have a home care plan, call an agency. Talk about the services your dad needs to be independent as he ages at home. You'll learn more about pricing and schedules and create a care plan that works well for your family.


If you or your loved one is looking for a Caregiver in Saratoga, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care. 

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990  

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777 

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990 

Tags: Caregiver Saratoga CA Aging in Place