Tips for Continuing to Care for Your Elderly Loved One Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
June 16, 2020

Senior care is extremely important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, doctors all over the country are still providing quality care to help the elderly get through this time. It can be difficult for anyone to find ways to get the care they need during this pandemic. However, there are some ways to help make sure your elderly loved one gets the care they need and deserve.
Keeping Up-to-Date
It is important for you and your elderly loved ones to keep up to date on alerts and practices put in place from the Center for Disease Control, also known as the CDC. You can visit the CDC website to get essential information about COVID-19. Most state websites also offer information about the virus so you and your elderly loved one can check those out, as well.
Getting Screened
Many doctors are checking in regularly with their elderly patients. However, as a family caregiver of an elderly adult, you should get screened for COVID-19. This way you can ensure that you are safe to care for your elderly loved one during the pandemic. This is particularly important if you are experiencing any of these symptoms:
Sore Throat
Loss of Smell
If you do have any of these symptoms, you should find someone else to care for your elderly loved one until you get cleared by a doctor to help care for your loved one again. In the meantime, you can hire senior care providers to help take care of your loved one.
Staying Protected
As a caregiver of an elderly adult, you should stay protected by using the proper gear. This includes wearing a mask and gloves while taking care of your elderly loved one. You should also wear the equipment while you are out in public to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Keeping Connected
It is essential to regularly keep in contact with your loved one’s medical care team. They can help you set up telehealth services. This way your elderly loved one can have an appointment with their doctor without even leaving their home. The doctor can also help you come up with ways to get your elderly loved one mental health treatment if they need it during this pandemic.
Limiting Visitors
It is important to recommend that your elderly loved one limit visitors. It can be difficult for your loved one to ask family members and friends to stay away for now. However, it will help to reduce their chances of getting the coronavirus.
These tips can help you to continue caring for your elderly loved one through the COVID-19 pandemic. This can be a trying time for everyone involved. Remember be patient with your elderly loved one and together you can get through this pandemic.
If you or your loved one is looking for Senior Care in Belmont, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.
Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990
San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777
Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990