Lifestyle Tips to Improve Senior Brain Health

August 17, 2022

Image for Lifestyle Tips to Improve Senior Brain Health

Today, people in the United States live longer than they did a generation ago. People are living healthier, more active lives due to medical and technological advancements. Age comes with its own set of challenges and disadvantages. Cognitive decline or cognitive impairment is one of these difficulties. Luckily, a senior can also start doing many things to improve brain health and cognitive functioning. 

Focus on Getting Plenty of Sleep

Poor sleep has been linked to cognitive issues. Getting adequate sleep is essential. Many individuals need at least eight hours of sleep to rejuvenate. Nonetheless, it isn't only the amount of time spent sleeping that is crucial. A good night's sleep is also important. Having a sleep study done by your primary care physician is a good idea if you think you are having trouble sleeping. You may notice that sleeping patterns may change, which you should keep a close eye on. If a senior starts sleeping during the day and is up all night, it may lead to health problems. Elder care may be one of the best tools a senior can utilize to help stick with healthy habits, especially regarding sleep. 

Try to Encourage Journaling

Journaling might appear quaint and antiquated in today's environment. But it isn't. It may be really helpful (and therapeutic) to write out your worries and discuss possible solutions. Taking the time to write down your worries might help you feel less anxious, which in turn can improve the way your brain functions.

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to help us fight off the dreaded winter colds. Vitamin C, though, isn't the only thing it accomplishes for humans. It is important to eat foods high in Vitamin C to aid the body in battling oxidative stress. Cognitive dysfunction may be exacerbated by exposure to high levels of oxidative stress. While fruits and vegetables are the finest sources of Vitamin C, you may also take vitamin supplements to boost your intake.

Focus on Hydration

We've been told for decades that being hydrated is critical to our well-being and cognitive abilities. Most people don't drink eight glasses of water daily, and many are chronically dehydrated. Toxins may be flushed from our bodies more effectively if we drink more water. Our physical and mental well-being will improve due to this lifestyle shift. If elder care is available for your mom or dad, they may help a senior stay hydrated by making drinks and snacks easily accessible. 

Turn Off the TV More

After a long and exhausting day, we all want to relax and decompress. Turning on the television is a common first step in winding down after a long day. TV shows don't usually test your intellect or make you think, but that's not always bad. Instead of wasting your time with this meaningless pastime, consider picking up a book. Alternatively, if you aren't a great fan of reading, you may try doing a crossword puzzle. When you think and accomplish things, your brain becomes stronger.

Socialize and Talk to Other People

Being alone is one of the most challenging aspects of getting older. It is common for families to relocate as individuals become older and for friends to die. As a result, many seniors experience feelings of loneliness and alienation. Isolation exacerbates the effects of aging on the brain. As a result, it is essential to participate in social activities and interactions with other individuals. See if any groups in your area are centered on activities you are interested in. Volunteering is one of the best ways to meet new people and give back to your community.


If you or your loved one is looking for Elder Care in Belmont, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990 

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990

Tags: Brain Health Elder Care Belmont CA