Wishing Everyone a Safe and Healthy 2024
December 27, 2023

January Remembrances
January 11 - International Thank You Day
January 15 - MLK JR Day
January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holiday Office Hours
Our office will be closed on both Monday, December 25th, and Monday, January 1st in observance of the holidays. If you need anything, please call the office. (408) 979-9990
Sickness in Your Household
Please make sure you let the office know if you or someone in your household is showing any symptoms of being sick. It is important that we can always keep you and our caregivers safe.
Schedule Changes
If you have any changes to your schedule, please do so through the office, not through your caregivers. Let the staffing coordinators know if you have any changes that need to be made. They can make any updates to your account that you need. If you have any other scheduling questions, please feel free to contact the office with your concerns. (408) 979-9990
Holidays 2024
Monday, January 1 - New Years Day
Monday, February 19 - Presidents’ Day
Sunday, March 31 - Easter
Monday, May 27 - Memorial Day
Thursday, July 4 - Independence Day
Monday, September 2 - Labor Day
Thursday, November 28 - Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day
Veteran’s Day is not an observed holiday
Holiday Bill Rate:
Please remember that Familiar Surroundings Home Care pays and bills at 1.5x your bill rate for our holidays. Please check out the holiday schedule!