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Help Your Mom Bond With Her New Caregiver

December 8, 2021

Image for Help Your Mom Bond With Her New Caregiver

As important as home care is, your mom is hesitant. She's not sure she'll feel comfortable with a stranger helping her around the home. How can you help her bond with her new caregiver? 
Get Her Used to the Idea 
Some of your mom's anxiety will relate to her having to admit she needs help. No one wants to admit to the fact that aging is causing difficulties with mobility, strength, and stamina. Point out the areas where you struggle and make sure she knows she's not alone. 
If you openly talk about aging and the changes you experience, too, she's going to realize she's not alone. She'll understand that there's no reason to be ashamed or fearful of aging. It's just how it goes. 
Make Sure She Has Her Say 
If you force caregivers on your mom, she's more likely to resist. Involve her in discussions regarding home care services as much as possible. Let her ask questions when you interview home care agencies. Find out if she can meet caregivers before they arrive at her house. 
By allowing her to play a role in the hiring process, she'll feel like she played a part. Decision-making is one of the best ways to get your mom comfortable with caregivers. 
Choose Caregivers Who Share Her Interests 
You have to try to get caregivers who share your mom's interests. If your mom's favorite activity is baking and the caregiver also loves to bake, they share a bond straight away. Baking could be a daily activity that your mom looks forward to doing with her new caregiver. 
If your mom hates a particular style of music and her caregiver only enjoys artists in that genre, it may cause conflicts that make it harder for your mom to adjust. If your mom isn't likely to change her mind, you may need to make sure the caregiver is okay with your mom's music choices. 
Be Present in the First Week 
While your mom adjusts to her new caregiver, be available for her. If she's really having a hard time, your presence may be soothing. Work from a quiet room in your mom's house. Only come out to offer advice or help if your mom has difficulty calming down or agreeing to let the caregiver help. 
Don't put off home care services due to your mom's fear of having a stranger helping out. If you take time and help her bond with her new caregiver, she'll realize the arrangement is the best way for her to maintain her independence. Call a home care expert to book the services she needs. 


If you or your loved one is looking for Home Care in Saratoga, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care. 

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990  

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777 

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990 

Tags: Home Care Saratoga CA New Caregivers