Should Hospice Care be a Part of Your Parent's Planning for Their Future with Alzheimer's Disease?
November 15, 2017
When planning for your parent's future early in their journey with Alzheimer's disease something that you are likely to hear about is hospice care. Doctors, friends, and family might mention this as something to consider for during the later stages of the disease, and you may find it mentioned in planning guides meant to help your parent record their wishes and plan for a future that is respectful and compassionate for them and their individual beliefs and feelings. What is hospice and why is it recommended? Understanding the answers to these questions can help you and your parent to discuss this possibility and determine if it is the one that is right for them as they move toward the later stages of their Alzheimer's disease and their end-of-life transition.
Elder Care in Atherton CA: Alzheimer's and Hospice Care
Hospice care is a step of care that is designed to relieve pain and encourage comfort when a person has reached a point at which it is impossible or unlikely for any further improvements to happen in their health, or for them to survive their health issues. This type of care, which is also sometimes referred to as comfort care or palliative care, is a measure that is taken to help those people who are at this point, such as those who are in the advanced stage of Alzheimer's disease, carry through this stage with as much dignity, comfort, and peace as they can.
Hospice care is not about treating any condition with the goal of curing or slowing it down. It is also not about hastening death. Instead, when a person goes into hospice care they have a course of care designed to manage pain and discomfort while also ceasing measures meant to treat, slow, or control other conditions. This type of care addresses physical needs but also emotional and spiritual needs during this challenging time. As a family caregiver, you will find that hospice also works to address your needs and make this transition smoother for you as well.
Despite common misconception, hospice care can occur right in your parent's home as a part of your already-existing care routine with you, your parent's elder care provider, and other members of the care network continuing to offer support, care, and love to your parent. Talk to your senior about this possibility and start putting measures into place for hospice care to be an element of their future as they progress through Alzheimer's disease. Knowing that this plan is already in place now can offer comfort and reassurance to both of you as you prepare for the challenges of the future.
Starting elder care for your aging parent can be one of the best decisions that you can make during the course of your caregiver journey with them. An elderly home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a customized schedule designed specifically to address your elderly parent's needs in the way that is right for them while also encouraging them to maintain as much independence, activity, and fulfillment as possible throughout their later years. This can be particularly valuable if they are living with a particular challenge or need, such as Alzheimer's disease. This care provider can supplement the care that you already give your parent, provide highly personalized services tailored specifically to your parent as an individual, and help them to cope with the challenges that they are facing now and those that they will develop as they progress through the disease.
If you or your loved one is looking for elder care in Atherton, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.
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Elder Care in Atherton CA