March Happenings
March 1, 2024

Caregiver of the Month
Nora T.
Safety Star
Dolly A.
Gas Card
Nilia T.
Daylight Savings Time!
It is time again for Daylight Savings. On Sunday, March 10th, make sure to set your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed.
March Birthdays:
Magdalena D.
Angela E.
Salaheddin E.
Maria G.
Mariam G.
Padma K.
Crystall L.
Maria M.G.
Urmila M.
Melat M.
Melinda N.
Esther O.
Patricia R.
Thuc R.
Ariestotle S.
Voicemail Messages
Please listen to your voicemail messages before calling the office so you know who called you when calling back. We have several employees making phone calls from different locations, so it would be very helpful for our receptionist to transfer your call to the appropriate person in a timely manner.