Caregiver Updates
January 23, 2025

Caregiver of the Month: Maritza V
Safety Star: Loyda G
Gas Card Winner: Norma L
February Birthdays!
Shelli B.
Martha Elizabeth C.
Janet M.
Kathy P.
Assefa R.
Merlie T.
Nora T.
Calling Off a Shift
As a curtesy to your clients and the office staff, please make sure you are giving plenty of notice before calling off a shift. We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice when calling off. We understand that sometimes there are emergencies that are out of your control, but the more time that you give us, the better opportunity we have to make sure your client is taking care of. Repetitively calling off shifts late minute may have consequences.
Personal Records
Reminder: If you need access to your personal records, please contact our office. You can call (408) 979-9990 or email