Caregiver Updates
August 30, 2024

Caregiver of the Month: Sal E.
Gas Card: Delma C.
Safety Star: Harama M.
September Birthdays
Akberet A.
Aristotle A.
Maria B.
Alice C.
Cynthia E.
Moala F.
Marina G.
Saba G.
Lisa G.W.
Alan G.
Erika M.
Mark R.
Zenaida T.
Teresita T.
Alert Shift Reminder:
For hourly, overnight alert shifts and 12-hour shifts, you WILL NOT have any sleeping time. You must be awake for the entirety of the shift. Make sure you are alert for the entire shift. Unauthorized sleeping on duty will result in disciplinary action.
Friendly Reminder:
Do not over-share your personal information and personal life with your clients. Make sure you are not having any inappropriate conversations that could offend your client during your shift.
Clocking In and Out
If you are struggling to use the Kantime Private Duty app for clocking in and out, please come into the office to be retrained. It is really important that you are able to clock in and out so that you can be paid accordingly and on time.