Caregiver Updates
October 24, 2024

Safety Announcement
The Santa Clara County Department of Public Health has sent out its latest update on 10/21/24:
The County’s Health Order Requiring Use of Face Masks in Patient Care Areas of Health Care Delivery Facilities During Designated Winter Respiratory Virus Period requires use of face masks in patient care areas of healthcare facilities from November 1 through March 31.
At Familiar Surroundings Home Care, we are always thinking how we can best protect our clients and caregivers. Therefore, we are recommending our caregivers continue to wear masks while working with clients and be sure to call the office right away if you are sick. We are still providing masks and gloves to our caregivers. You can stop by the office to pick up any needed supplies.
Relaying Information to the Office
Moving forward, we ask that if you have any important information- you please call the office line. (408) 979-9990. This includes but is not limited to calling off a shift, client health concerns, scheduling changes, etc. There is potential for missed messages on our staff’s cell phones, so it is much quicker and easier if you call the office directly.
November Birthdays
Dolores A.
Sara B.
Maria Lupe B.
Rocio C.J.
Charito C.
Debbie D.
Remedios D.
Lesa G.
Brandi J.
Sandra J.V.
Gerald J.
Silvia L.
Nibret M.
Cecilia R.
Kimberley S.
Ana T.
Toakase W.
Soledad W.
Caregiver of the Month: Martha C.
Safety Star: Harama
Gas Card Winner: Jolina
Please make sure you are ALWAYS checking your voicemail. Schedule confirmation calls are made every Friday so that you can confirm your upcoming shift(s) with the staffing coordinators. It has come to our attention that some of our caregivers have voicemail boxes that are consistently full. It is important that you are conscious about keeping your voicemail clear so that you can receive all messages from the staff.