Home Care San Mateo, CA: Home Care Needs

May 19, 2022

Image for Home Care San Mateo, CA: Home Care Needs

When is it time to arrange home care services for your dad? Do you know what to look for? Many families wait until there's a health crisis, such as a parent having a stroke or is diagnosed with advancing dementia. This isn't ideal.

Use this checklist to determine when home care assistance is needed. Here are the signs your dad needs help at home.

His Home Is Cluttered

His dad's home is cluttered and disorganized. It's unsafe. A cluttered home can make it harder for first responders to help him in an emergency. Clutter can also get in the way and trip your dad when he's walking from room to room.

Clutter can also be a sign that other things are wrong. He's not keeping things clean because he tires easily. Your dad could be dealing with depression and simply not care about any of his usual routines.

He's Not Eating Enough or the Right Foods

Your dad's doctor wants him to stop eating high-sodium, high-fat foods. But, you find pizza boxes, takeout Chinese containers, and fast food wrappers in his trash and recyclables. He's not following his doctor's advice.

It can be harder for older adults to cook for themselves. Chopping and mincing ingredients are too difficult. Cooking a recipe for one can seem like a waste of time and energy. Hire caregivers to cook for him.

He's Losing Some of His Mobility

Your dad's stamina is lessening, so he can only walk for a few minutes before he's tired and needs a break. He might have severe joint pain that limits how much walking he'll do before he's ready to sit down and rest.

When your dad's mobility is limited, it helps to hire caregivers to encourage him to walk farther than usual. This helps him exercise his joints, strengthen muscles, and improve balance. Plus, it can help him lose weight.

He's Increasingly Forgetful

Sometimes, it is hard to remember certain things as you age. Other aspects of memory loss are indicators of Alzheimer's disease. It's important to talk to your dad's doctor about dementia.

Your dad has dementia. The earlier you make plans for the care he's going to need in the weeks and months to come, the easier it is when his abilities change. Get him used to his caregivers now. If you wait longer, he's being introduced to a person he's never going to bond with or remember.

He's Not Taking Care of Himself

One of the biggest indicators that home care services are needed is that your dad's grooming and hygiene are decreasing. He's not showering often enough or brushing and flossing his teeth each day.

Your dad has several medications and supplements he's supposed to take each day, but he keeps forgetting. Home care aides can help remind him. 

Arrange home care services when you realize your dad's needs are changing. The sooner you get him used to having caregivers in his life, the quicker it is for him to adapt. Call a home care agency to get started.

If you or your loved one is looking for Home Care in San Mateo, CA, please call Familiar Surroundings Home Care.

Santa Clara County: (408) 979-9990 

San Mateo County: (650) 353-9777

Santa Cruz County: (831) 480-3990


Tags:Care NeedsHome Care San Mateo CA